50 Authentic Ways To Celebrate Your Progress With Love Languages

Do you ever find yourself struggling to appreciate the small wins of your weight-loss journey?

I’m sure you’ve heard it all…

…”Focus on non-scale victories!!!”
…”Create a reward system!!!”
…”Practice daily gratitude!!!”

… but have you ever thought that the reason why these recommendations don’t work is that these suggestions (or the actions within these suggestions) don’t align with how you receive love?

I’m a firm believer that Love Languages can be used in so many other areas of our lives, beyond romantic relationships - and one of those areas is self-love!

When we align the way we practice self-care and how we celebrate milestone rewards with the way that we receive love - we are more likely to feel the joy and self-love behind these actions, making us appreciate our wins more!

The best part about this all? It’s simple!

1) Take The 5 Love Languages Quiz to identify your primary love language - how you give and receive love.

2) Browse the lists below or create your own list of self-care practices or milestone rewards that directly aligns with how you receive love.

3) Begin implementing them into your weight-loss journey.

50 Ways To Use Love Languages To Celebrate Yourself + Your Progress In Your Weight-Loss Journey:

Words of Affirmation (To Yourself)

If your love language is Words Of Affirmation, you may enjoy saying kind things to yourself, leaving subtle loving reminders to yourself, and generally focusing on non-scale victories:

  1. Have your loved ones write you encouraging notes to cheer you on your journey and open a different one up when you’ve reached a new milestone

  2. Write yourself Love Letters for your future self and open one when you reach a new milestone

  3. Set a daily reminder and dedicate a daily time (less than 5-minutes) to simply identifying and celebrating a small win!

  4. Do a daily card pull from your affirmation/oracle deck

  5. Write “I am…” statements on sticky notes and stick them all over your home

  6. Change your phone background to a self-loving, motivational quote

  7. Keep a NSV - non-scale victory - Journal

  8. Sit in your discomfort with your body. Look into the mirror and instead of searching for things you want to change, each day, find something you love about yourself and TELL yourself out loud why you love this part of yourself

  9. Keep a list of mantras you say to yourself each day

  10. Have an accountability partner you report back to each week to share a NSV or small win in your journey

Gift (Yourself)

If your love language is Receiving Gifts, why not gift yourself something nice to celebrate progress?

  1. Gift Yourself A New Workout Outfit

  2. Invest In A Trainer or Coach

  3. Gift Yourself New Shoes

  4. Invest In A Program You’ve Been Wanting To Try

  5. Gift Yourself New Meal Prep Containers

  6. Gift Yourself A Refill Of Your Fave Supplements

  7. Gift Yourself Those Expensive Protein Cookies You Love

  8. Invest In The Pro Version Of That Wellness App You Like

  9. Gift Yourself A Treat Meal

  10. Gift Yourself A Meal From That Wholesome (but kind of expensive, which is why you never go) Restaurant

Quality Time (With Yourself)

If your love language is Quality Time, you may really enjoy blocking off “me-time” in your schedule to pamper your mind, body, or soul!

  1. Dedicate 1-hour each day to working out without distractions

  2. Dedicate time each week to have a GYST Day

  3. Have a self-pampering day - get your nails done, your hair done, your brows done, your teeth whitened, your lashes done, etc.

  4. Take a nap without an alarm

  5. Take a full day to stay offline from social media

  6. Go on a hike with no destination in mind

  7. Go on a run to ease your mind

  8. Join a weekly meditation class to pause from your thoughts

  9. If you love to cook, dedicate a day to cooking your fave meals for yourself

  10. Invest in a deep tissue massage

Acts Of Service (For Yourself)

If your love language is Acts Of Service, why not complete small tasks ahead of the week to alleviate possible stress in the future or invest in products that simplify the process of getting basic tasks done?

  1. Meal prep your lunches for the week

  2. Clean your workout clothes

  3. Create a workout plan to take away the daily decision fatigue during workouts

  4. Get an Instant Pot to help with preparing quicker healthy dinners

  5. Get an Air Fryer to help make crispy, crunchy foods quicker and less greasy

  6. Book and plan all of your workouts for the week

  7. Hire a coach to take the planning away from healthy eating or training

  8. Join a fitness class to cover the workout planning process

  9. Invest in a meal prep service

  10. Pre-cut your veggies on grocery day to simplify daily cooking/prepping

Physical Touch

  1. Do a body scan and bring awareness to physiological hunger cues

  2. Flex and feel your muscles

  3. Get a massage

  4. Visit the spa for a facial or specialty treatment

  5. Visit a cupping therapy expert

  6. Workout and move your body - focusing on the mind-muscle connection

  7. Foam Rolling

  8. Taking a nice, long shower

  9. Set Aside Time For Stretching

  10. Touch the areas of your body you are self-conscious about. All of the stretch marks, body fat, scars, shapes - and remember that they are part of what makes you Human. These beauty marks and curves are beautiful

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