Grow a healthy lifestyle so good it sticks even when you’re making magical memories with your Littles

Online fitness & nutrition coaching for mamas who love traveling and are ready to get back out in the world to make magical memories ASAP!

  • Personalized Workouts Whenever / Wherever

  • Weekly Check-Ins & Unlimited Support

  • Healthy Recipes & Takeout Alternatives

  • All Coaching Content Within One Simple App

You deserve this


You deserve this 〰️


I Deserve to…

  • Travel with my kids more and not worry about the if I’d be able to keep up during active excursions.

  • Have more energy and flexibility to play and chase my kids around the playground.

  • Be proud of the example I was setting with my kids around healthy living, exercise, and nourishment.

  • Wear the bikini on vacation without feeling self-conscious about how my body’s changed.

  • Enjoy special meals on vacation without worrying about how it will affect my weight or body image.

  • Raise Littles who will one day grow up to think “My mom is such a strong, cool Mom!” because I was able to do all the fun things with them.

  • Feel more confident in photos with my Littles instead of hiding behind the camera for special moments and memories.

  • Connect with other Moms and feel less lonely on this motherhood journey.

  • Feel sexy in my skin - elevating the intimacy between me and my Husband after kids

  • Be around longer to experience more of life alongside my kids (and my future grandchildren).

  • Take more risks and try more things without second guessing my capabilities.

Is Growing Goddess The Right Move For You?

You’re a millennial Mom who has devoted all of your pregnancy to a healthy birth with nutrition and movement, but feeling at a loss how to rebuild yourself in postpartum.

You’ve tried various group fitness classes, online programs, and following along to workout videos, but nothing felt right or stuck long enough for results.

You’re not just looking for a quick-fix program to drop some weight - you’re looking for a health overhaul to positively change your life and find REAL balance.

You and your Husband loved traveling before kids and don’t want them to be the excuse why you stopped doing epic and adventurous things. In fact, you want to rebuild fitness so you can bring them along.

Kind Words From My Growing Goddesses

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Kickstart your ✨hot mom era✨ with online coaching starting at $150/month CAD (approx. $110/month USD).

    This includes:

    • Fitness, nutrition & lifestyle assessment - a week long thorough assessment that will you receive a program that meets you where you are while also challenging you to progress

    • Personalized fitness program distributed through my client-only app - offering you the ability to log your workouts and track data over time

    • Personalized nutrition plan - with personalized portions, sample menus that meet your goals, and in-app meal tracking (via meal photos, macros, calories, or hand-size portions)

    • Weekly Progress Round Up + Check-in - facilitated via in-app chat feature

    • Access to my recipe library with over 100+ healthy, high protein meals

    • Unlimited support between check-ins - facilitated via in-app chat feature

  • Simply fill out an application form. Within 24 hours, I will reach out to you with more information.

    Once you’ve signed the contract, completed a PAR-Q, set up billing, and scheduled your Assessment, you’ll be all ready to go on the following Monday.

  • I’m a huge believer that healthy living is a biopsychosocial experience, so I’ve broken down the Assessment into three parts:

    • A Physical Fitness Assessment

    • A Nutrition Log Assessment

    • A Lifestyle Questionnaire Assessment

    This assessment is a 1-week process.

  • ONLINE COACHING has a financial investment of $199/month.

    All prices are presented in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

  • Just like anything great in life, results take time. The reality is, weight loss is easy. Anyone can make the scale drop quickly by implementing extremely low calories.

    However, keeping the results is the difficult part - and why so many people cycle in and out of dieting.

    What most people do after beginning to see progress is returning to living/eating/moving how they did prior to their transformation and gain all the weight back (if not more).

    I don’t want to see you self-sabotage yourself like I have (and have seen many people do) many times in the past.

    My goal at Growing Goddess Coaching is to help you get results while also building a strong foundation of skills, habits, and practices; so that when you finally do reach your goals, you have a healthy lifestyle to help you keep the results you worked so hard to achieve.

  • I take a gentle, supportive role because I can empathize that real people need real strategies that work around their lives - not drill sergeant coaching that are meant for competitive athletes.

    It’s important to me to provide body-inclusive coaching. What this means is that I meet you where you are. Our primary focus for working together is NOT weight or physique related. Changes in your body and weight will occur as we implement healthier habit, but it is not our primary focus.

    Instead, I prioritize empowerment through weight lifting, nourishment, and multiple forms of data (consistency, progress pics, non-scale victories, resting heart rate, daily steps, caloric burn, etc.) to assess progress instead of focusing on just the number on the scale.

    Together, we use a combination of building mindful eating habits and intuitive eating practices to help you fuel and nourish their bodies.

    My goal at Growing Goddess Coaching is to give you real skills and sustainable results.