3 Ways To Conquer Morning Workouts When Your Faced With A Busy Day Ahead

Want to be a morning person but knowing you’ve got busy days ahead have been sabotaging you? Try these 3 tips!

By Jennifer Liwanag, CPT, Pn1, CPPC, GGS-1

Considering morning workouts?

I mean - why not?

  • It's a great way to get one awesome task done first thing in the morning

  • Movement gives you dopamine and seratonin, meaning you'll feel GREAT for the rest of the day

  • A killer workout is a great way to wake yourself up and give you energy for the rest of the day

That being said, if you're new to morning workouts, you may be questioning if you can do this. Morning workouts before a busy work day are tough. Especially when you’re anticipating a busy day ahead, I’m sure the LAST thing on your mind first thing in the morning is getting out of your warm, comfortable bed to go workout.

Nevertheless, you've got goals and to maintain progress sometimes we've got to do things that push us outside of our comfort zone. 

Here are 3 things that have really helped me make morning workouts work:

  1. Plan your workout. When you have a plan you're more likely to execute it. Whether you choose to make it yourself, find one online, or hire a coach to program for you is irrelevant. What DOES matter is that you enjoy the exercises and you look forward to completing it.

  2. Have some pre-workout. Some people like caffinated energy supplements. Some people enjoy a small pre-workout snack. Some people enjoy a combination of the two. When you're fuelled, you'll have more energy to do your thing!

  3. Get an accountability buddy. Ask your BFF or Partner to join you on this journey. We become who we spend the most time with. If you have someone who is just as driven to reach their goals working alongside you, you can keep each other accountable. Join a Facebook group, create a group chat of workout selfies with your besties, schedule a time with friends or your Partner to head to the gym for a workout together, or even hire a coach (I send daily accountability notifications to clients in our app so they know exactly what they've got planned for the day!).

From there, you've just got to SHOW UP! That's always the hardest part, but we never regret a workout afterwards! Ever! And I know you won't neither!

Feeling a little better about your morning workouts this week? YOU GOT THIS!


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