The Habit Loop: 3 Simple Steps To Build Any Healthy Habit

Have you ever caught yourself thinking “TODAY is the day I stop _______ and start _______!!!” only to live your dream healthy life for a few days, realize it’s extremely exhausting and time-consuming, and fall back into old habits by the end of the week?

If your answer was yes - same, Girl! I’ve been in your shoes too many times to count and I always found myself frustrated because I had no idea how others made it look so seamless online but I was struggling to hold it all together.

I tried over and over again to love working out in the gym, only for my gym membership to collect dust.

I tried cooking more meals from home, only to hit the drive-thru on my way home because I was too exhausted to cook.

I tried sleeping early, only to feel FOMO as all of my friends played games online together while I lay alone in bed.

No matter how sincere my intentions were, I’d always fall back into old, destructive habits.

That was until I discovered The Habit Loop.

What Is “The Habit Loop”?

The Habit Loop was introduced by Charles Duhigg in “The Power Of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And Business”.

This loop explains how and why habits develop through three main components:

  • The Cue

  • The Routine

  • The Reward

The Cue

The cue is the trigger that sparks a behavior.

It can take many forms but usually falls into one of the following categories:

  • Location

  • Time

  • Current Emotional State

  • People Around You

  • Your Last Action

  • A Habit You Already Have That You’d Like To Pair Or Transform Into Another Habit/Routine

The Routine

Routine refers to the habit or repeated behavior.

These routines can be conscious or subconscious actions.

And as we do them over and over again, they become a routine.

The Reward

The reward is what the behavior does for you and reinforces routines that keep habits firmly in place.

The reward can be a tangible reward or a physical/emotional response that reinforces the behavior.

The Habit Loop In Action

The habit I’d like to create: Working out before work at the gym

Cue: Setting an alarm at 5 am
Routine: Waking up, hopping out of bed immediately, taking a shot of pre-workout, and getting into workout clothes before driving to the gym.
Reward: Feeling more motivated and energized to tackle the day since you’ve gotten an awesome workout in and completed a big task first thing in the morning

The habit I’d like to create: Cooking more meals from home

Cue: Hunger around dinner time
Routine: Checking my list of go-to easy recipes and beginning to prep ingredients
Reward: A delicious, wholesome recipe that took less time to make than it would have taken to drive to McDonald’s, sit in the drive-thru, wait for my meal, and then drive home to eat it.

The habit I’d like to create: Sleeping early

Cue: Set a wind-down alarm
Routine: Complete a simple night routine, hop into bed, and participate in an activity that makes you sleepy (like reading or watching a boring documentary) until you fall asleep.
Reward: Waking up fully rested with lots of energy to kick off a new day


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