4 Simple Hacks To Boost Your Vegetables + Eat More

One of the most common goals I hear from new clients is “More Veggies Into My Diet”.

And I don’t blame them!

Our modern society really puts vegetables on the back burner, as most people see veggies as an addition or side to their main meals.

This reality is unfortunate because vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, help adds to our daily hydration, and are rich in dietary fiber (yay for better digestion and gut health!)

When I ask people why they don’t already eat more veggies, the most common answers include:

  • “I just don’t like them…” or “I don’t like them as much as…[Insert carb/protein]”

  • “They are boring” or “They don’t really taste special”

Here is your daily reminder that veggies don’t have to be bland and boring. In this article, I’ll be sharing with you 4 ways to sustainably and enjoyably add more veggies into your diet.

Be Open-Minded To Experimenting

Much of the time, people don’t like veggies because they haven’t experimented enough with different types. Your personal preferences are important. What someone else likes may not align at all with what you like. Be open-minded to trying new things and trying them prepared in different ways to truly experiment and find what you like.

Sustainable nutrition requires patience and work to find what works well for each individual.

Create A Realistic And Honest Plan

This doesn’t have to be a full-blown meal plan but as you experiment and find trends in your eating habits, you’ll discover when is the best time to consume your veggies.

For some people, it may be a little at each meal.
For others, they may eat the bulk of their servings at one meal.

For example, if you notice that by the end of the day, you are less motivated to eat your vegetables in comparison to the morning where you don’t mind them in the morning omelet, this may be an indicator that you could consider having the bulk of your servings at breakfast in your omelet in comparison to leaving them to the end of the day where you don’t want them.

Experiment With Seasonings & Sauces

Experimenting with new flavors is what will take your bland veggies to a whole new level of enjoyment!

I know in weight-loss, many people stray away from seasoning and sauces because they think those “additional calories go to waste”. This is where you have to weigh your options and decide what is more meaningful to you.

Does the additional 50-100 kcals from the sauce really mean more to you than potentially missing out on most (if not all) your veggie servings for the day? This answer will differ for each person but for the average person, this won’t make a noticeable dent in their progress.

Hide Them In Foodie Favorites

If you’re not keen on eating them alone, consider mixing them into a recipe you already love. For example:

  • Broccoli in Your Mac & Cheese

  • Finely Chopped Onion, Garlic, Carrot & Celery In Your Tuna Salad Sandwich

  • Bell Peppers & Onions In Your Burrito

  • Kale In Your Smoothie

  • Spinach In Your Lasagna

  • Shredded Oyster Mushrooms In Your Pulled Pork

If you come from a lifestyle of consuming almost no vegetables regularly, adding some into your daily meals is still one step closer to the goal!

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