4 Supportive Ways Your Partner Can Empower Your Fitness Journey

When you are in a committed relationship, one of the BEST feelings is feeling supported by your Partner in all areas of your life. Having an encouraging support system so valuable within your journey - especially when the journey begins to feel overwhelming, stressful, and defeating (which absolutely happens!)

When you feel heard and supported by your Partner, the journey begins to feel more enjoyable and comforting.

And if your Partner wants to join along, It can be extremely motivating to work towards your goals alongside the person you love the most.

On the other hand, when your Partner doesn’t support your goals or their actions make it difficult to stay on track, it can be extremely discouraging and you may feel tempted to fall back into old habits.

While you should be doing this for Yourself, the people who you spend the most time with do play a role in how your journey is executed, simply due to Deep Health.

Naturally, when you feel supported and nurtured, you will thrive.


If you’re not sure where to begin when encouraging your Partner to support or participate in your journey, here are some helpful tips that have helped within my personal relationship:

Explain To Your Partner Your Game Plan

It’s important to remember that your Partner loves you and wants you to be happy. Sometimes, they can be reluctant when you want to start a new journey or work with a professional because they love you so much that they want to protect you. This can often feel discouraging when you’re considering joining a gym, hiring a coach, or wanting to purchase healthy foods that may be a little more of an investment. This can especially be true if you express your interest in healthier living but instead of feeling supported, you get replies like “What a waste of money!” or “You don’t need that!”

A relationship, as you know, is all about communication. Clearly express to them:

  • What your goal is

  • How you plan on reaching this goal with specific steps outlined for them; and

  • Why this goal is so important to you.

When your Partner understands what your goals are, how you plan to reach them, and why this goal is meaningful to you, they are more likely to jump on board.

Schedule Workout Dates

When I began my Wellness Journey in 2019, I invited Adam (my Fiance) to sign up for a gym membership with me. Seeing me motivated to get healthy naturally motivated him to want to get healthy as well. Each morning, we’d dedicate 6 AM to 7 AM as gym dates.

He’d pick me up in the morning, we’d drink our pre-workout together in the car while doing some carpool karaoke to our favorite songs, then we’d workout.

Even if we didn’t actually work out together (you know, different goals), it was extremely motivating and comforting to look across the gym, see him smiling while watching me. When either of us would hit a new PR, we’d go running across the gym looking for the other to celebrate.

It just hits different to see the person who is most important to you not only support your goals but also work towards a healthier life too.

Welcome Your Partner To Participate In The Meal Planning & Preparing Process

Ask your Partner what they’d like to eat this week. When they feel like they have a say in the healthy eating process, they are more likely to enjoy it.

Invite them to go grocery shopping with you and make a weekly date out of meal prepping your work lunches for the week.

When I began to encourage Adam to participate in my meal prep ritual, he was so much more excited to eat the healthy meals I’d cook (because it was his creation too).

We have so much fun together spending the day picking recipes, going to the farmer’s market, and cooking up meals.

Go Beyond Movie + Dinner Dates

A really great way to increase your N.E.A.T. (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) is by skipping the traditional movie + dinner date every week and planning active dates more often. These are date ideas that get your body moving, your heart pumping, and your adrenaline rushing. The great part is that most of these date ideas don’t even feel like exercise.

Here are some examples:

  • Explore a local park or hiking trail

  • Visiting a trampoline park

  • Canoeing or Kayaking

  • Visiting a museum or aquarium

  • Cycling by the lakefront

  • Exploring an amusement park or zoo

  • Mini Golfing

  • Bowling

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